Richard Vincent, Director
Authorised Rep No. 237 423
B.Sc.Agric.(Hon.), AAAC
Richard has >20 years experience in agribusiness including banking, farming and consulting. He worked with R&I Bank (BankWest) for five years as a farm consultant; managed the family farm at Cadoux WA (still maintains an interest); combined with private consulting since 1997. His skills in grain marketing are complimented by skills in farm business management. On a professional level, Richard is the immediate past President of the AAAC(WA), is a member of GIWA (Grains Industry Association of Western Australia) and (GTA) Grain Trade Australia.

Kim Povey, Director
Authorised Rep No. 284 430
B.Bus.Agric., Grad.Dip.Bus., MBA, AAAC
Kim has over 20 years experience with farm industries with a background in agronomy, farm management, finance, banking and grain marketing. Kim provides the ability to consider a whole farm approach when providing marketing advice.

W Mark Martin, Director
Authorised Rep No. 328 386
Mark had a merchant banking career in Sydney, London, Toronto and Singapore and sat on the AMBA (Australian Merchant Bankers Association) committee for product development. Mark returned to regional NSW in 1991 and has been working as an independent adviser in commodity pricing and risk management services. Mark is a former president of the NSW state based grains industry organisation RMSA and is a current representative of the GTA corporate governance committee.

Mark Pontifex, Advisor
Authorised Rep No. 315 015
B. Int Bus, MBA
Mark began with MarketAg in 2011. Mark has over 15 years’ experience in the grains industry in both South Australia and Western Australia. Originally from a farm on the Yorke Peninsula in SA, Mark has spent considerable time with growers discussing grain marketing alternatives as well as a number of years trading grains into the domestic and international markets. Mark is fully licenced to provide advice on derivative products andlooks forward to assisting his clients implement marketing plans, and keep abreast of products and industry issues.

Lauren Trevaskis, Analyst/Advisor
Lauren started working at MarketAg in March 2014. Lauren comes from a sheep and cropping family farm at Jerramungup in WA. Laurens experience working at Co-operative Bulk Handling has allowed her to work with farmers and has provided her with important insight into the agricultural industry.

Reece Duffield, Advisor
Authorised Rep No. 1245066
Reece started working at MarketAg in February 2016. Reece has almost a decade of industry experience spanning from operations, logistics and shipping as well as grain accumulation, marketing and trading. In this time Reece has dealt directly with domestic and international trading, marketing and execution environments, all the while working closely with WA growers. Reece hails from the eastern Wheatbelt where family still farm in the area. With his skills set, Reece is well-equipped to assist growers with their grain marketing needs.

Dwayne Allen, Advisor
Dwayne began with MarketAg in January 2019. Originally from a family grain and sheep farm east of Pingelly, Dwayne has gained experience in rural banking and finance, farm management and grain accumulation. He has worked for Rabo Bank as an assistant and rural manager; managed an 8,000ha cropping property and worked in grain accumulation for Glencore Agriculture. With this array of experience and skills Dwayne looks forward to assisting growers with their marketing needs.

Matt Grey, Advisor
B. Sc (Ag)
Matt has been working with Kim Povey at MarketAg since February 2022, his focus being on grain marketing and client benchmarking. With a double major in UWA ag science and marketing, he worked in the ag chem industry for 3 years before joining the MarketAg team in the Perth office. Having a keen interest in agricultural markets, farm business management, and economics he strives to provide value to consulting clients wherever possible while he continues to develop industry expertise and relationships.